How often do we hear about people with cancer that “beat it” only for it to reoccur?
Over the years, not much has changed in how cancer is approached: surgery (removal), radiation and chemotherapy. That’s it. That is what the western medical system offers as cancer treatment.
We use terms like battle, fight, invading and survivor—all terms of war—war against something that is within. Cancer comes from your cells, it’s not a foreign enemy invading the body. Cancer is the messenger of an imbalance in the holistic system (Mind-Body-Spirit-Soul). This imbalance causes the environment to create cancerous cells that multiply in your body.
So, what is the truth about your cancer? How did it form? Why is it here? How does your lifestyle, thoughts, trauma, beliefs and emotions affect you? What is the message that cancer has brought from the universe for you?
These are all the questions, and more, that you will face. I will face them with you. I will guide you with protocols, prayers and processes throughout your journey of discovery, activating a deep inner wisdom so that you are able to find the answers from within.
Upload a photo of yourself and receive a personal recorded reading and daily affirmation to recite. The first step to begin your journey to empower, expand and understand your “soul remembrance”, creating a clearer vision of your true Self.

15 minutes: FREE
30 minutes: $77
60 minutes: $133
90 minutes: $200
2 hours: $244
Book a personalized video session to begin your inner transformational work. Each session includes spiritual counseling to help develop a specific prayer, mantra or affirmation to raise your vibration, followed by a personalized evening meditation and other protocols that will assist you in your journey.
Transformational Journey with Sacred Plant Medicine
Contact Icasiana
A deep “SEE” dive for those who have prepared themselves through breathwork, detoxing, fasting and meditative protocols. This is an in-person, guided ceremony with sacred plant medicine to deepen your connection to source energy and reveal your soul’s purpose.
learn more Connect33-day Monitored Protocol
Soul challenge to dedicate 21 minutes for 33 continuous days to increase awareness, self-love and empowerment. This practice requires a rattle, drum, feather, mirror and a daily text dialogue with Icasiana.
Personal fulfillment and self-empowerment protocols and conscious actions you can do at home that will not only inspire, but empower a deeper exploration of Self. The protocols are available for download at no charge.
Ceremonies that Icasiana facilitates in-person and on-site. Whether you are preparing for birth, death or the many different life events in between, you will be guided through each sacred ceremony with the highest level of love, care and support.
Icasiana shares her experiences, understanding and wisdom in both small and large groups alike. Additionally, Icasiana is available for interviews, podcasts and other venues to share her message of Self-Healing and Self-Mastery.
Coming soon
$933 (Paid monthly)
9 month transformational journey with Icasiana and her trusted colleagues to a deep SEE dive to Know Thyself, Love Thyself and Be Thyself. Subscribe below to be notified when the online course launches.
Each month, Icasiana delivers a wisdom-teaching podcast to delve deeper into her healing and transformation protocols. An excellent preview to her 9 month course offerings to Know Thyself, Love Thyself and Be Thyself.